Sameem Behavioral Health - Alcohol & Drug Addiction Treatment in  Massachusetts

Behavioral Addiction Treatment Services

Behavioral Addiction Treatment Services in Masssachusetts

Alcohol & Drug Rehab Treatment: Massachusetts Addiction Treatment Center Near Me [Massachusetts Rehab Treatment]

Behavioral Addictions We Treat

Sameem Behavioral Health specializes in behavioral addiction treatment services, providing dual diagnosis outpatient treatment near Newton Massachusetts for 40 years. We have experience recognizing and treating behavioral or process addictions.  Process addictions are like substance addictions in that the individual is unable to stop or cut down on the behavior even though negative outcomes are occurring. However, unlike a substance addiction, a behavioral addiction produces a desirable high from dopamine and other hormones rather than from drugs or alcohol. Process addictions are often considered less seriousness than substance addictions, but in some cases they can be equally harmful to the individual and those around them.  Process addictions are also harder to recognize as they lend themselves to easier concealment from family and friends

Behavioral Addictions

Below is a list of the common behavioral addictions we specialize in diagnosing and treating, but we treat all sorts of behavorial and process addictions and do not list them all here.

  • Gambling Addiction
  • Eating / Food Addiction
  • Exercise / Dieting Addiction
  • Shopping Addiction
  • Self-harm Addiction

  • Adrenaline Addiction
  • Sex / Pornography Addiction
  • Technology / Internet Addiction
  • Working Addiction
  • Vaping Addiction

Dual Diagnosis Outpatient Treatment for

Co-Occurring Disorders

Behavioral addictions often appear alongside co-occurring disorders. Sameem is able to identify and treat process addictions on their own and when they are paired with one or more co-occurring disorders.  If the root co-occurring disorder is not identified and treated then it will not be possible to truly address the addiction issue  It can be empowering for some to understand that an underlying mental health issue is causing an addiction and can be a defining moment in their treatment that leads to their longer term healthy living. 

Co-Occuring Disorders

A root cause of many addictions are co-occuring disorders.  Below is a list of many common disorders we treat and help our clients overcome.  But we work with nearly all co-occuring disorders that someone dealing with addiction issues may encounter. 

  • Anxiety
  • Depression  
  • ADHD
  • Panic
  • Bipolar
  • Self Medication
  • PTSD 
  • Trauma 
  • Grief & Loss
  • Abuse
  • Environmental
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • Stress Management
  • Self-Harm
  • Anger Management
  • Chronic Pain Issues
  • Impulse Control Disorders
  • Body Image Issues
  • Family Issues
  • Relationship Issues

To schedule an assessment or ask questions please call Sameem Behavioral Health at 617-213-6887.

Ready to Make

a Change?

(617) 213-6887

If you are ready to start your road to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction, Sameem Behavioral Health offers comprehensive care options to address the unique needs of each client. To start your journey to recovery today, call Sameem Behavioral Health at 617-213-6887.

We accept most insurance providers and can help you understand and maximize your coverage to minimize out-of-pocket expenses.

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