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Common Street Names

Common Street Drug Names & Phrases

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Slang Drug Names

Heroin/Opiates - Bundle (small pocket of heroin), Black tar, China white, D’s(hydromorphone), DOA (dead on arrival), Drillies (hydrinirophone), Dollies (methadone), Dreamers, Drug store dope, H, Hard candy, hard drugs, Horse

Alcohol - booze, brew, suds, vino, plonk, spirits, grog, hooch, moonshine

Anabolic Steroids - roids, stacking, steroids

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Barbiturates/Benzodiazepines - yellow (jackets) barbs, blue heavens, down and dirty, downer-nerve pills, lemons, ludes (quaaludes), blue bomb, rainbows, goof balls, reds & blues - candy, roofie (rohypnol), peanuts, sleepers, tranks, Vs

Cigarettes - butts, cancer sticks, cigs, coffin nails, smokes, tumor candy

Cocaine/Amphetamines - G-rock, gold dust, Hawaiian salt, hot ice, wake-ups, ice, snow, leapers, uppers, lid poppers, turnaround, meth, tweek, white cross nuggets (crack), peaches, white sugar, peanut butter, pep pills, speckled eggs, rippers, speed, rits, road dope, rock (crack)

Ecstasy - Adam, candy flip (one hit), ecstasy, rolling, euphoria, hug drug, GHB (liquid ecstasy), love drug, M&M, MDM, X, XTC

Heroin - hot dope, junk, scag, smack, Tootsie Roll

Inhalants - gas, glue, huffer, huffing, laughing gas, pearls (amyl nitrite), poppers (amyl nitrite), sniff

LSD - barrels, black acid, blotter, cube, blue cheer, blue heaven, businessman's lunch, California sunshine, domes, dots, electric kool aid, flats, frogs, Heavenly blue, Pink Panthers, Pink Robots, Pink wedges, Purple heart, Special K (Ketamine), Super acid, Superman, trippers, wedges, window pane

Marijuana - A-bomb (marijuana and heroin), Acid, Doobie ( in cigarette form), Acapulco Gold, Ace, bhang, black gold, blow a stick, blunt, bong-water, cooled pipe, buds, buddha stick, buddha-(spiked w/opium), Chiba, Colombian (Red Black), ganga, gold, sensa, gong, hash (hashish), hash oil, hemp, weed, Indian, J, Jamaican, jive stick, joint, leaf, Mexican, Panama, Panama gold, Panama Red, pocket rocket, pot, ragweed, reefer, sativa, roach (butt of a marijuana cigarette), rope

Mescaline/Psilocybin - Button, Cactus, Magic mushroom, Sacred mushroom, Mesc, mescap, Mushroom (psilocybin), Shrooms (psilocybin)

Opium/Opiates - blacklash, blow a fill, brick, gee gee (pipe), God’s drug, gong, Lop, juice, M (morphine), Miss Emma, morph, poppy

PCP - Hog, Amoeba (magic dust), Angel dust (mist), Animal tranquillizer, peace pill, baseball, freebase, Cadillac (peterpan), Cj (red devil), Crystal joint (scuffle), Cyclone (seams), DOA sheet (dead on arrival) blow, Dust, Elephant (super rods), Goon (surfer), Lovely

Glossary of Drug Language

Back to Back - smoking crack after injecting heroin or using heroin after smoking crack

Back Up, Backtrack - procedure allowing blood into syringe to ensure needle is in vein

Babysitter - to be a guide for someone through their first drug experience

Bad Trip - an unpleasant experience while on psychoactive drugs, such as LSD

Bag - quantity of drug purchased in envelope or folded paper

Bagging - inhaling a drug from a bag

Binge - uninterrupted drug use from a bag

Blackout - amnesia of events while under influence, heavily intoxicated with alcohol and/or other sedative/hypnotic drugs

Bombed - high or intoxicated on alcohol or drugs

Burned Out - brain or chronic behavioral impairment – as a result of heavy drug use

Channel - vein used for injecting drugs

Chasing the Dragon - inhaling vapor from heroin or cocaine heated on tin foil

Chemicals - synthetic drugs

Chipping - using drugs occasionally

Clean - abstinent from drugs

Cold Turkey - stop or withdraw abruptly

Come Down - gradual “wearing off” of the effects of a drug

Connection - making an illicit drug purchase

Contact High - mild euphoria occurring in non-smokers believed by them to be the result of inhalation of marijuana fumes produced by smokers around them. Actually, the amount of the inhaled during a “contact high” is not enough to be significantly measurable in standard urine toxic screening (Bryan Finkle, Ph.D. Pharmacologist-NFL program for Substance of Abuse)

Cook - prepare powdered opioids or other drugs for injection by dissolving them in water and heating the solution

Cop - purchase or otherwise obtain drugs

Crack House - place where crack cocaine is sold or used

Crash - abrupt abstinence rapid transition from euphoria to depression

Cut - adulterate or dilute drugs

Dealer - one who sells drugs

Do a Line - inhale cocaine in the form of a narrow line

Dope - general term for drugs of abuse

Goofball - combination of drugs- cocaine and heroin; amphetamines and barbiturates

Habit - state of physical dependence

Hookah  - water pipe used to smoke marijuana or tobacco

Works (Kit) - paraphernalia used to inject drugs

Kiddie Dope - prescription drugs or look-a-like drugs

Lace - deliberately adding a substance to a drug to make it more or less potent

Rave - large party designed to enhance hallucinogenic experience

Shoot - inject a drug intravenously

Shotgun - inhaling marijuana smoke forced into one's mouth by another

Skin Popping - injecting subcutaneously

Wired - chronically dependent on amphetamines

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