Sameem Behavioral Health - Alcohol & Drug Addiction Treatment in  Massachusetts

Alcoholism & Drug Addiction Treatment in Massachusetts

Are you or a loved one struggling with Drug or Alcohol Addiction? We are here to help. For over 40 years, Sameem has helped people like you feel better. 

Mental & Behavioral Health Treatment in Massachusetts

Struggling with depression, stress, trauma, or anxiety? You're not alone. For over 40 years, Sameem has helped people like you feel better. 

Alcohol & Drug Rehab Treatment: Massachusetts Addiction Treatment Center Near Me [Massachusetts Rehab Treatment]


We provide three levels of care:

  1. Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP),
  2. Enhanced Support, and 
  3. Long-term healthy living 

We meet you where you are and help you move to a healthier, happier, life.



We understand how hard it can be for for family and friends to watch someone they love suffer.

No one can pull another person out of depression or force an unwilling addict into treatment. But our trained staff can help you help someone you love.

Find answers to some common questions about how to help a family member or friend.



We work with leading inpatient facilities, local mental health practitioners, schools, employers, and others to establish a custom outpatient care plan.

We receive professional referrals daily. We contact patients or clients immediately and close the loop with you to insure a smooth hand-off.



Treatment Programs by Age

We provide treament for more conditions than are listed above.  Please call our office (617) 213-6887 to discuss your situation further to see if we are a good fit. 


Who is Sameem Behavioral Health?

For 40 years, Sameem has treated Substance Use Disorder (SUD), trauma, anxiety, stress, depression, and other disorders in adolescents and adults at our offices in Newton, Massachusetts. Our outpatient services include Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), individual therapy group therapy, family therapy, Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), and Testing. We help people move from crisis to enduring health.

Over these 40 years, Chief Clinical Officer Matt Green has developed a unique approach centering on integrated, long-term group therapy with individual supplements and customizations. Our groups with long-term clients form the basis of a thriving healing community. We help our patients build lives in which they feel 

  • optimistic about their futures
  • grateful for the lives they have today
  • connected to their closest friends or family and 
  • able to achieve goals they set for themselves. 

We work with nearly all insurance programs in Massachusetts.

Patient Testimonials

Current Patient
Sameem would be really beneficial for helping others.
Current Patient
10+ Thank You!
Family Member
Sameem has been invaluable to helping one son get and stay sober for two plus years. Matt has been an invaluable resource to my husband and I too.
Current Patient
Jim is so friendly! His first interaction with me when I called, so sad and vulnerable is why I chose Sameem for treatment.
Family Member
The Men’s group has been particularly helpful. Our initial meeting with Matt was extremely helpful and reassuring. Matt’s offer to meet again (even though my husband has a different therapist) was also helpful.
Former Patient
Thank you very much for your help!! I think that MA state/ government should support you and invest in your business/activity. Parents need you.
Current Patient
I feel like the time I have spent in group has been incredibly helpful, but also the time I spend before group with the other members is equally good. Just having people who I can talk to is incredibly beneficial.
Family Member
[MY COLLEGE STUDENT] was a bit resistant to the whole process but still some element of the groups hooked him in for a bit and I think he got some good stuff from the experience. It also planted a seed that there IS a place to go if or when troubles increase, and there IS a solution.
Current Patient
Sameem is a unique place where I feel safe and free to be completely honest about myself. I’m so grateful.
Former Patient
Jim was always very kind and helpful
Family Member
My daughter really enjoys the group and feels she has learned a lot and worked hard with the support of the group. I think she feels respected and heard at the group and LOVES the topics! The topics have helped her share more about herself.
Family Member
[Your staff is] very understanding and caring.
Family Member
[My loved one] really likes the staff, she trusts them!
Family Member
[Your office staff] is prompt and responsive.
Family Member
Sameem is best in class!

Are you or a loved one struggling with depression, anxiety, mental health, or substance abuse?

Schedule a Call

To help us better understand your situation and address your concerns, let's schedule a 30-minute call with our director at a time that works best for you.

We Accept Most Major Insurances

We work collaboratively with most major healthcare payers to optimize the benefit coverage for families.
Verify your insurance eligibility by completing our insurance verification form, which kick-starts
health insurance verification process and takes only a few minutes.

Don’t worry—it’s free and completely confidential, and there is never any obligation.

Call us at 617-213-6887

aetna addiction treatment insurance coverage
Anthem addiction treatment insurance coverage
Beacon addiction treatment insurance coverage
Blue Cross Blue Shield addiction treatment insurance coverage
Cigna addiction treatment insurance coverage
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care addiction treatment insurance coverage
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